Our Wedding Day

Our Wedding Day

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The final countdown...

Today is the eve of my 36 week in this first pregnancy of mine. Less than a month until the due date when I will finally get to meet the little person who has the hiccups right now. I am taking one last day off from work tomorrow before the final count down. This weekend Luke and I are doing our final shopping spree before baby comes! This is good because quite honestly I am feeling completely unprepared. Every time someone says "oh..so are you ready? Is the nursery all set up?", I just want to scream :-) ! Cause, no, the nursery is NOT set up. Its more of a shell of a nursery with some baby stuff stored in it. Strange how time crawled by and looking at baby stuff months ago seemed like I was jumping the gun. Suddenly I feel the fast ticking of time with only a few days off from work between now and then....
I am starting this blog as a log of events that are sure to come our way over the next few months and to jot thoughts I may have or little funny stories I may want to share about the little nugget. I'm sure the audience will be small but whole hearted. It definitely won't include my husband as he HATES blogs but maybe I can get him to enjoy this one for what its purpose is. I will post pregnancy pics first so that we tell the whole story. This one was from 2 weeks ago!

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